Small Business Bestie

1: Jacked on Inspiration: Jessica Jackson's Recipe for Business Success

Michelle Smock, Jessica Jackson Episode 1

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We're joined by the amazing Jessica Jackson, the CEO and founder of Jacked Nutrition, a meal prep company that's changing lives with every plate they prepare. In this very special episode of Small Business Bestie, Jessica shares with us the surprising sweet story of how Jacked Nutrition came to be- a first date conversation about the difficulty of finding healthy meal options turned into a thriving business!

Today, Jacked Nutrition employs a passionate team from prep to plating, complemented by certified nutrition coaches and personal trainers, all dedicated to making a positive impact in the Lexington community. From humble home beginnings to a full-scale operation, Jessica's journey is a testament to the power of self-belief and the pursuit of a healthier, empowered lifestyle.

And when she's not in the kitchen or coaching, Jessica finds balance and passion paralleled in her love of nature — each hike, an inspiration and each meal, a commitment to wellness.

So, get ready to be fueled by passion and purpose as we delve into Jessica's story, the lessons learned along the way, and the vision she has for a business that's more than just about food — it's about nourishing the body, mind, and community.

Stay tuned as we learn, laugh, and get a little bit jacked about nutrition, right after this brief message.

#JackedNutritionLife #HealthEmpower #MindsetAndMeals #SelfWorthJourney #MealPrepMagic #EmpowerEatEducate #HikeHealGrow

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Welcome to the small Business Bestie podcast, where we celebrate the journey of women entrepreneurs in the heart of central Kentucky and beyond. I'm your host, Michelle, and my mission is to create a podcast and community for us each week. Join us as we sit down with a different small business bestie to dive deep into their stories, sharing the highs, the lows, and everything in between. We will meet friends who are brand new in business, veterans in business, and maybe even the occasional dreamer. So grab your favorite coffee or cocktail, get cozy, and let's meet this week's small business bestie, Jessica Jackson. My good friend is here with us. I just want to start off and kind of give you the floor and tell us about you and your business real briefly. And then we'll get into some of the amazing nuggets of wisdom that I. Know you have to share with us. I'm stoked to be here. My name is Jessica Jackson. I am the CEO and founder of Jack Nutrition. We are better known as a meal prep company, but I like to consider us a healthy lifestyle solutions company. We help folks live a healthy lifestyle and help them live their mission without sacrificing nutrition. And we do all that by creating awesome meals for the people of the Lexington community. Amazing. I know from experience that your meals are not only delicious, but they will, in fact, fuel you for your day and for your mission. So I appreciate that you have such a strong mission in your company. I kind of want to just touch really briefly on the nuts and bolts of your business so that our listeners have an understanding of kind of where you are in your business journey. And then we'll dive into where you've been and where you're going. How long have you been in business? It'll be four years in April. And as far as your technical business structure, are you like LLC? Are you a corporation? Kind of. Where do you fall in that? We're an LLC. Is it single member or is it you and a partner? How does that work? I'm the sole owner of the business, so I do have my husband. He helps out behind the scenes. I think when you're a spouse of a business owner, you kind of pick up some of that slack sometimes. So he's a huge help. We decided that this is going to be my baby, and here it is. And then other things about the business. Like what is the operation kind of look like at this point in time for you, as far as your team and things like that? We have a team of about five or six individuals, myself included. And when it comes down to that, really what we're looking at is we have a prep team. So we have a team that helps prep the meals. It's basically run similar to a kitchen or like a catering type situation because we do a lot of both cooking options. We have two divisions. We have a plating team. That team does all of the plating. And then, of course, we have the culinary team, which takes care of all of the culinary. So the hard, difficult cooking skills, they take control of that. But then we also have a customer service department. So we have a customer service department. They take care of all of our customer service, make sure that the customers are getting what they need. And then, of course, among those customer service representatives, all of our customer service folks are certified as nutrition coaches. Not nutritionists or registered dietitians, but nutrition coaches. And we have two certified personal trainers on staff. So that way we can give the optimal amount of information to these folks who are trying to change their life at the end of the day. And when folks call in, we want to be able to not only help them with the meals and the service and how all of that works, but also, hey, are you trying to hit your goals? Let's help you with that. What does that look like for you? It sounds like you've really developed a well rounded team that kind of, kind of hit every aspect of the business. That's amazing. So now let's backtrack a little bit and talk about how you got your. Start and kind of what inspired jack nutrition. And then again, this is speaking to small business owners. So what actual steps did you take. And how did you know when it. Was the right time to take them? I hope you're already. Buckle up. Here we go. If a story about starting a business doesn't start that way, good for them. But also, these are the most interesting stories is how it gets started. Because how does something become a dream from a passion in your heart into a living, breathing brand. And that right there is a journey that, number one never stops. So it will always continue. It will always continue to go. And the second thing is that there's always fun little avenues that you end up going down. To be honest, if I were to tell you that I was the most prepared business owner, not I am a visionary, I am very much at the helm of the ship, but I'm at the top saying, hey, look, I'm making sure we're not hitting icebergs out here, those types of things, but I'm very much a visionary. Where that comes into play is a lot of times, the details aren't always laid out. And it's like, how do we give this thing a life? And sometimes that looks like the not sexy work, which is, hey, we have to file for this. We have to do this information. So, Jack nutrition got started where most good ideas, some bad ideas, have been just the tailgate of a truck. So it was the first date me and my husband, he was not my husband at the time, but would later become my husband. It was our first date, and we both were super, super health conscious at the time. He was doing bodybuilding. I had got out of college athletics, was trying to find my space, and it was difficult coming out of being an athlete. You know where you're supposed to go, what you're supposed to do, and then all of a sudden, boom, nothing. You're a member of society, you're a civilian, right? So I kind of fell into a little bit of a depression there, just trying to figure out, hey, how do I continue to be this leader, this competitor? Little did I know it was going to end up being in exactly what I'm doing now, which is being a business owner. And so we were on our first date, we were trying to find something to eat. We knew anywhere we would go, restaurant wise, would not be something we would want to eat, it wouldn't be on our meal plan, or we would just be tempted to eat off of our meal plan. So we ended up with like a Walmart rotisserie chicken and grapes, and shared a coconut water. And we were like, man, wouldn't it be amazing to just have a place where you could go and, you know, you could eat something and whatever's available is already measured out for you and all of these things. So we had started planting seeds for Jack, but we didn't know it yet. So that was a fun little discussion we'd had. And then, fast forward, we lived in, my husband and I, Alan, we lived in West Virginia, in Huntington, West Virginia, which at one point was the unhealthiest city in the nation, which everyone knows we're a pretty unhealthy nation. So we were in a really unhealthy spot, and we had a heart for the people. And we could see where my husband, growing up, in the background that he grew up in, he grew up in the foster care system, lived without electricity for a period of time, and then grew up as an engineer. And he was in these work environments, in the steel mills and working on the equipment, things like that. He had the steel toe boots on. He'd come in with his meal prep that we prepared ourselves, people be like, oh, my gosh, where'd you get that? Be like, well, we just make this at our house. And he'd share his side of the story on, he grew up with almost nothing, and then his relationship with food looked a little bit different than most just because it was like, you finally are able as an adult. You were so limited as a kid, but then now as an adult, you can eat whatever you want. And then he really did and ended up having some health complications and completely turned his life around by what he ate and also putting in some exercise and those types of things. But he looked apart, so he had the steel toe boots, he had all those things going for him. And then people would see, hey, you came from where I came from, and you can eat healthy. And that right there. And that interaction testimony brought forth hope, and we had a passion for the Huntington community, and we're like, look, we need to do something. We need to create something. I don't know how, I don't know what way, but we need to tell folks about how we can eat better. And so it's sort of just by living by example. Fast forward. I moved here to Lexington, and I took a job as a skilled trades recruiter. So I was working seven to seven office building. So is that what brought you to Lexington, was that job? I went to school to be a teacher, so I taught history for a little while and lived international for a minute and thought that that's what I wanted to do and decided that's definitely not what I wanted to do. And so when I moved to West Virginia, I was just working as a Starbucks, as a barista, and was looking for my next professional career. And I took a job with a company here in Lexington, and then that's what made us. Made the move. And so that was, oh, gosh, over ten years ago. Wow. Crazy. But we love Lexington. We love being a part of the community. It's the perfect place for us, really. And it was a good mesh. We love it here. We love being part of the Lexington community, and I think that the community is hungry for what we have. No pun intended. But when it comes to that, when we moved, know, I was working in the office seven to seven, doing sales calls, taking people out to lunch, all of that type of thing, just trying to get into the professional world. My husband just transferred with his company here, so he was still doing the engineer work, things like that. And we had started just prepping for ourselves. And when it came down to it, and I had a couple of friends at work ask me, hey, where'd you buy that? And I had, like, blackened salmon, a nice looking meal. It smelled great. People are like, oh, my gosh. Where'd you buy that? I'm like, well, I make this. This is kind of something that I do. And they're like, hey, I'd buy that from you. And I'm like, gosh, it's hard to prep for two people. I think we'll have extras. Just let me talk husband. Figure it out. So got to talking to him, and I was like, hey, people want to buy our food. Can you believe that? And he just had this look about his face, and I was like, what did you do? What is that? And he goes, I've been selling your meals for the past two months. And I'm like, what? He goes, yeah. I mean, I just go into a factory, and I ask where the microwave is, goes the cafeteria. And it comes out. And then it would just start a conversation like, man, that looks so good. How do you do that? And he'd share his testimony just like he did back in West Virginia. And then he'd start going back to those places, and people be like, hey, you have any of those meals that you made? And he'd start bringing extras, so sometimes he'd give them away. And then people, no, I want to pay for them. And I was like, that's just like, alan. And we decided that, okay, maybe this is the way that we help folks out. This is that dream. And we opened it up to friends and family, and it was like a beta program. Like, I had to sign a waiver, and it was just friends and family. Right then their friends and family started asking. From that point, we were like, okay, this is really getting serious. April 2019. That's when we decided to register for the LLC, which we did. We have to go to the health department. You have to get your health certification as far as being able to be a manager in a workspace, commercial kitchen. All new things, by the way. Nothing I knew nothing about. But it was really interesting because when we were back in, you know, we were just trying to figure out what life had for us. It's still pretty young, and I think Alan, just, like, offhand, and he's like, we're going to have a meal prep company, and it's going to be called Jack nutrition. And I'm like, where did this come from? And it was like, he didn't even know where it came from. He's like, I don't know. And ever since that happened, it was just, oh, my. He never had let it go. So that's the origin story. That is incredible. A couple of questions that I have to follow up, if you don't mind. You had mentioned that you guys were bringing meals just into your workspaces and everybody wanted them. With the knowledge that I have of the meals that are on your menu now, how similar or different were those meals in the early days to what. You guys are doing now? Actually, our whole custom menu is built off of those things. So those meals that we made back then are still on our menu today. I can see why people are wanting. To buy them then. They're delicious. Okay, cool. Yeah, absolutely. So it's really cool to have something, too that works, something that people look forward to. And when it comes down to health, a lot of times folks don't have the best mindset when it comes to actually diet and nutrition. And so when folks look forward to that, and that's a great part of their day, and they can fuel themselves according to how they feel about themselves and start to make that transition, it's a beautiful thing. Awesome. And then a follow up also about the filing for all of the certifications and the llcs and all of that. Did you have a mentor or someone kind of helping guide you through that, or how did you learn to navigate all of those processes? Because I find that when I'm speaking with people who are dreaming about opening a business or also who have just opened a business, that's kind of one of the biggest roadblocks is I don't feel like I know what I'm doing and they don't know who to ask. Because online, the resources can be a bit overwhelming in the initial stages. So if you could speak to that just a little bit about whether or not you had some mentors or some people kind of helping to guide you or anything like that, I had no. Mentors at the beginning. I'm going to be honest, nobody really knows what they're doing at the beginning. The difference between the person who's out there getting after it and the person who's not is that they just took action on what they don't know. And I'm just speaking straight honesty, even to this day. And I think that that is something that is your first real test and lesson in business. You don't know what you're doing. You don't, and you just have to take the step. And if you've missed a step somewhere along the way, almost always it can be recovered almost always. You can fix it if you made a mistake, but if you don't take the step and make the mistake, you're never going to get there. Exactly. And this is a repetition game, folks that are out there running businesses, it's about getting the reps in. Nobody knows every bit of every little detail of what their dream is going to entail. None of us do. We just know that we have something that we're passionate about, that we're going to go and we're going to pursue and that we believe in. And it's never a win loose. It's always a win learn. So even if you're failing, you're learning and you're growing. And that mindset also just completely destroys any amount of doubt because failure and continuing to fail over and over and over again is actually experience. So you're actually growing, you're actually learning. Do we like to do it that way? No. Do we want to do it the right way? And of course, things like registering for certain certifications and things like that, once you go and you figure out, like, oh, I have to register my company as this, they will give you the stuff. They said, do you have this? Do you have. No, what do I need to do about that? Ask questions. I don't know how we knew. We just said, like, hey, well, we have to register for an LLC. So we went and did that, and they'll say, okay, well, do you have this? Right? Tell me more about that. Where do I go to do that? And you just ask questions for those steps. Really, honestly, in my mind were like a blur. I feel like once you start taking those steps, in the initial stages, they happen very quickly. One thing turns into the next, turns into the next, and before you know it, a week later, you've got it all done because you started taking the steps. And when you actually do that, you realize how much you were freaking out. Maybe it took years for you to register for it, and you're like, oh, my gosh, that was it. And I could have been way ahead by now, just in experience. And I had this LLC. I've been running a business for this amount of time, so don't let fear get in the way. Yes, the Internet can be overwhelming, but you can get a straightforward answer. Absolutely. And I have found being here in Kentucky past few years, as I'm trying to help others navigate this and even navigating it for myself, for my own business, the secretary of state here in Kentucky, their office is so friendly and helpful compared to a lot of bureaucratic offices that I've dealt with. When you call the secretary of state here, it's a real human that answers, and they are always willing to help you and answer your questions, and they're never condescending or rude about it, or at least in my experience, they haven't been. I think that that's definitely a key. Take the first step. If you mess it up, call somebody and say, hey, I need to do this. Am I on the right track? And if not, tell me what I need to do, show me which form. I need to fill out. And people are generally on your side, like they want you to accomplish it and to have your dream come true. 100%. And also, then later on, I think that we did develop more assistance later on, but we did get connected with a mentor through the SBDC. So the small business development center, and that's a huge help right off the bat. Go ahead and reach out to them even before you do anything and say, hey, what do I need to. Those folks are willing to help out and they're willing to answer questions. And you feel comfortable answering those questions, which is the most important part when you're starting. And if you're hesitant to start, if you feel like you're really putting yourself out there, they're going to be able to help you. And they understand that, hey, this is maybe the first time around for you, and they help out. I think that those resources here in Lexington are invaluable. They have a lot of free and open to the public events and conversations and education events. So if you guys aren't connected with the small business development center and the Women Business Development center and the local SBA offices highly suggest that you connect with them. Even if you've already started a business, the continuing education that you can get from them is really valuable. And they're always looking for business owners to be mentors. Staying connected and plugged in with them is good for the community. It's good for you, it's good for everybody. Totally agree. And I think the big thing, too, to kind of piggyback off of that, is we want to do everything right the first time. I think most business owners, anyway, we're like struggling perfectionists over here. You're going to do everything the right way, and you're going to have to realize that you're not always going to do everything the right way, and it's okay. But learn. Learn from what you don't know and also learn from the experience. Absolutely. I think the old saying, done is better than perfect, is something that I have to ruminate on quite often. Yes, 100%. And that's what keeps things going. If you think about believing in the dream we're talking about, like, historically speaking here, you're talking about things like people who invented electricity. These are concepts that didn't even exist. And so you're trying to get people to rally behind that. I mean, can you imagine? There's no such thing as electricity and someone's going to try and sell you electricity. It's just mind blowing. Nobody knows how to do it. There's no manual for that. And many business owners at this point in time, ourselves included, we didn't expect to navigate the complete closing down of the country year and a half into owning a business. There's no manual for that. And you also are trying to believe in what it is that you're doing, and it's something maybe you've never done before. You have to become a version of you you've never even met, and there's no manual for that. And sometimes there's not even a mentor, because you have to be the one that believes in you, because you have you at the end of the day. That's beautiful. You have you at the end of the day. That's so true. I want to look forward. So, Jack, nutrition, five years from now. Tell me what you see. We will be a lifestyle brand. Honestly, like a lot of times folks put us in the meal prep space, which is easy for them to recognize, but really, we're a lifestyle brand because a lot of times, when it comes to diet and nutrition, many folks think of diet, like, superficially, and it's a choice that's motivated by a number on a scale. But really what we need to be doing is we need to be focusing on a larger desire for truth and empowerment. We are trying to change the way that culture is projecting and what we think about fueling ourselves, especially as business owners. Business owners, if you're listening, which I know you are, you need to take care of yourself. You need to take care of what you are putting in your body, because you are the vessel for your mission to go on. And if you are not taking care of yourself, that's going to be the thing. At the end of the day, you are your vessel for your mission. You go out there, you make the connections, you're doing this work. And so for us, we're really looking at helping folks and changing the narrative when it comes to mindset and empowerment. So that way folks don't feel afraid to go out and figure out what it is that they need to eat in a unfortunately, what we hear most of the time is I don't know what to eat, so I just don't. And that tells me that we are not speaking enough empowerment into people like Jack. Nutrition as a brand is great, but I would much rather point people as the solution to the problem versus just my company providing only solutions. That's what folks are used to in the health industry. It's like, hey, buy this and you're going to achieve this. But this is the solution, right? No, you are the solution to your problem. We have people who eat our meals and the difference between the people who have the greatest transformations and the folks that do well are the folks that believe and they put in the work and they know that they are the solution. There's a lot wrapped up in that response. I'd like to break it down. It's really, we want Jack to be a lifestyle brand. We are addressing a lifestyle issue. It's not just your nutrition. It's not just food. It's how you talk to yourself. The mindset that you have behind having a healthy body and also being an entrepreneur, especially being someone who's growth oriented, or maybe you're an entrepreneur, you're trying to grow and bring value to your own company. If you're sick, if you're dealing with an autoimmune, if you're dealing with something or you don't know how to make a choice, which is feeding yourself, how are you going to go out there and make choices for other people and your company or your employees? You have to be able to fuel your body. And so with that being said, what we do is really not super talked about, which is, hey, we think that you can be the solution to your problem. So a lot of education is going to be happening, a lot of empowerment. We'd love to start doing jacked 101 classes, which is teaching folks about, hey, when you go into the grocery store, what are some of the things you need to watch out for? What are the just education and empowering the public to be able to make decisions for their health? At the end of the day, I still solve a problem, which is time I provide good whole food nutrition through my company. And we do provide a solution. But at the same time, if people don't believe in themselves, we're not addressing the bigger issue when it comes to nutrition, which is a lot of folks are deficient in self worth and self belief and believing in themselves enough to make those proper choices for themselves or taking the time to learn what they need. So that way they can go out there and they can make those choices and feel good and feel confident in what they're making and seeking that higher truth mic drop. For anyone who follows you on social media, I think that that mission, that vision is so crystal clear in the content that you provide for us and that our own self worth is all we have. And that talking to ourselves properly and giving ourselves the time and space to reflect and heal and grow, all of that comes through so much in your messaging. And I know for one, I'm super grateful for it because, oh boy, as a small business owner and a mom and a wife and all the things, I can really lose myself in all of that and lose what my worth is that isn't tied up in the owner of a company or Azra's mom or whatever. So thank you for the content that you put out and the mission that you have. So you mentioned specifically, like classes, the. Jacked 101, as a way to bring that vision to fruition. Are there other avenues that you kind of have percolating of things that you may have on the burner for that? Or is it all visionary things that are going to come out of the pipeline sooner or later? Yeah. So we are currently working on education. We have some ebooks that I'm personally writing right now. So that's going to be just resources for Jack nutrition family to not only get meals, but also have available resources on breaking down certain concepts like macros or how do you hit your protein goal every day. And we even go down to even habit challenges. Really, honestly, you can tell a lot about a person, not necessarily by what they eat, but their habits, because they're intertwined. We have some habit challenges that help folks do some habit stacking and things like that. Remember, this is lifestyle. So it seems like, okay, well, yeah, we are talking about just nutrition here, but then we start tapping into, hey, listen, what are your thoughts? Because your gut and your mind are connected. So if you're feeding yourself content or you're feeding yourself negative self talk, like, we have exercises that talk about those things too. Also in person events, we have had a couple of speaking events where I was able to talk to the Lexington police Department and different folks in our community on, hey, why is nutrition a part of your success story? Like, why do you need to eat? Well, this isn't just a choice that only impacts you, it actually impacts lots of folks around you. I think we can get overwhelmed by choice. And it's funny because we have some folks eat three to six times a day. That's three to six times to practice choosing yourself so that way you can show up better for others. And think about, like, if you're eating out two of those three and it's not according to your deeper seated goals, you're already putting it out there in the universe. Like, I'm not going to choose myself at the end of the day, and that's going to come out. You're going to break down eventually, and I don't want to speak that over anybody, but you have to get a hold of that. And the nutrition journey actually tells you a lot about yourself, and it's the one thing that we can control. I speak about this a lot to clients is, look, there's so much going on that even as a business owner, you can't control that. You can't control the weather, you can't control this. But what you put in your body, whether that's your thoughts, the content, the people around you, and the meal that you have in front of you, you do actually get to choose that. Getting folks to understand that that's one thing in your life you can control. And how are you doing on that? Yeah, if you rate yourself, how are you doing on that? And a lot of times people say, hey, that's an area I need to work. Nothing can happen if we just keep saying, like, well, this is just the way it is, but we need to start changing that narrative. Absolutely, because I think that, don't get me wrong, I'm very competitive. I'm about the grind. I have a business myself. But, hey, let's start bringing some entrepreneurs that are aligned because they're going to show up to the table way different than being broken down. And you know what? You're going to have those days. You're going to have them as an entrepreneur or as a business owner. You're going to be prepared for that. But the difference is, you know what to do with that. Took a hike the other day, and I went to Pine island, double falls. Those in Lexington or wherever who aspire to come to Kentucky highly suggest. But the biggest feature of them is you walk, and then all of a sudden you start hearing this water, and you walk down through this tavern, and then there's just these two falls that are just going in towards one another in a pool. And the water is like this beautiful aqua color. And the thing that taught me, and I was so stoked to go and see it, is because when it comes down to it in life, business, whatever you're going to have good energy pouring in and there's going to be bad energy that's going to be around you even if you try and avoid it. Okay. Whether that comes in the form of haters, someone misunderstands your message, you have a breakdown with your team, whatever that may be. But if you can learn to have that win learn mentality, and you turn both good energy and bad energy into passion for your mission, that is like alchemy. That is magic. And that doesn't mean you know exactly what to do. So get that off the table. It's like, well, yeah, but you've been doing that for this many years. No, that's humility. In business is when you know that the person that is in the car next to you or the person that's checking you out at the grocery store or something like that, they have the same makings of greatness that you do. But you got to believe in it, and you got to know that there is someone who can take the good energy and the bad energy and turn it into a passion for the mission and turn it into something good. That is true alchemy, and that is foundations of business. That's the heart set of the business that you have to have, because those things that we don't expect are going to happen, but we have to be the ones that can change it. And taking those energies and all of that energy that's around you and turning it into something positive, same thing with your body. You're going to be getting lots of inputs. Be mindful of what input you are in charge of putting into your body. You can be a passenger of your life or your nutrition, or you can be the, like, I want to be the pilot. Absolutely. The hike that you went on, I'm kind of a little bit upset with you right now because that was actually going to be the question I was going to ask you to close was. Like, if there was a guy in. Kentucky, what would it be that you would recommend? So now we got to just keep talking and figure out a clothing spot that comes natural. Yeah, I'm going to tell you, there's multiple spots. It depends on what your mood is. Every hike, like every trail, has its own character. And so I'll go to certain areas for certain things. This is something you may not know about me. That's something that I like to do, is that's a passion of mine. So I would love to write after I go on hikes and the path gets a name and a character, and I like to write about what it is that may be going through my head at that time while I'm on that path or the character of the path, because it teaches us something about life. And that's what I love about nature, is it's one of the best business coaches, because sometimes there's things that you can control and sometimes things that you can't. And there's scary pitches and jagged edges and all of these types of things that have come from over time, but it creates this colossal beauty that withstands time. That is your mission. That is your passion that you have for what it is that you do. And it might get chipped, and it might get jagged, and it'll go through some rough waters, but it's just, at the end of the day, it's this colossal thing that is just beautiful. So, as far as my favorite hike, it depends. It's like you go to different hikes for different things. But I think that the two waterfalls symbolizing the two energies that we deal with in life and finding the balance between them and turning it into a passion for the mission and turning it into your craft and to serve others at the end of the day, to help people get better. That's the difference between just a brand or a story brand. And the cool thing is that our mission statement is that we want folks to be able to live their mission without sacrificing nutrition. So if folks don't have missions in this world, that is actually a part of what we do. People have to have passions to have that mission to fuel themselves. And so it encourages folks to develop a why, to develop a mission for themselves to grow. And when they go out and they succeed, they just reinforce to us what is possible. We love feeding those types of goals. That's beautiful. I'm proud to know you. I'm very honored that you would come chat with me today. I'm sure that everybody knows how to find you. But just in case, for people to be able to connect with you or Jack nutrition, let everybody know, you can. Find on all social platforms jacked nutrition. Lex, that's L-E-X. That's all one word. And then on Socials Instagram, you can find me at Jacked in. Jessica or Jessica Nicole Jackson on Facebook. And so those are all of our platforms. Highly recommend that you guys jump on and follow her if you're not already, because, like, she's talked about the whole episode. She's not just a food prep company. Like, she will drop some wisdom and. Value on you every day. So follow her. And thanks for joining us. Well, that's it, friends. Before we go, just a little reminder that I'm your host, Michelle, and I'm the proud co owner of cultivate Accounting, where we help small businesses with accounting. And I hope besties like you go from idea to launch and beyond with personalized small business coaching. No matter what phase of the journey you're in, I'm here to cheer you on every step of the way. Connect with me on Facebook at Michelle smock. Five 20 new episodes of the small business bestie podcast drop each week, so hit that subscribe button so you never miss an episode. Do you want to be a bestie on the show? We'd love to hear from you. Just head over to to submit your guest request. Until next time, keep dreaming. Keep going. And remember, do it even when you're scared. Thanks for hanging out with us.